Our last physical ties to Pittsburgh will become history this Wednesday, when Liz and I close on our
Lawrenceville house. Though we will never meet, I wish the new owner, Elliot Porter, luck and happiness on 45th Street. It will be relieving to relinquish ownership over the property since the last few months have been stressful, due to problems that arose during the home inspection. Yet, this sense of relief will be coupled with sadness as this chapter of my life comes to an end. Pittsburgh was my home for a decade and part of me still resides there amid the bad air, rowdy yinzers, and lifelong friends.
I haven't missed the city much since we moved, but I was talking with
Dan on the phone yesterday and I experienced an intense longing to be back in the 'burgh—most likely a result of listening to the ridiculous accounts of mayhem committed by my delinquent friends. The part of my psyche that suffers from arrested development wrestled with my heart as Dan unloaded story after hilarious story of unbridled wassailing. (Note: this commentary is not intended to sully the reputation of my good friend, Dan, who happens to work in a bar and is therefore privy to unbelievable amounts of hilarity.) I could feel Pittsburgh pulling me back until I considered some of the reasons we opted out: the city's lifetime residents and their intense resistance to change; the fast pace of life; the noise and pollution; the time spent in traffic; the cityscape that offers virtually no connection to the natural world.
Alas, I am not in Pittsburgh and will likely not visit for some time, considering the severity of New England winters and my inability to escape my job. And, of course, life naturally pulls us beyond partying and forces us to mature and accept responsibility. This brief transitional period allows me to reflect on the ebb and flow of my own life, with gratitude for both past experiences and future endeavors.
Liz and I have been looking at houses in VT, hoping to find a deal while the real estate market languishes. We spent four long days driving around the countryside, searching for our next home, and have concluded that we should suspend our search until next year. The money we spent on our lovely home in Pittsburgh will not go nearly as far in this part of the country. We've determined that our spending limit will afford us either a small house in great condition or a large house in terrible condition. Unfortunately, neither of these options will work for us, as we intend to start a small business from our home, wherever that may be.
The past is over. The future is uncertain. The present is now. I feel a definite sense of positivity and possibility as Liz and I wade through life together. We will celebrate our closing on Wednesday evening with the friends we've made in VT, toasting an era gone by and a fresh start.
Here's to you, Elliot Porter.